She Loves Golf
Hororata Golf Club invites ladies along to regular ‘She Loves Golf’ sessions each Tuesday through summer at 6pm.
She Loves Golf is more about the social connection than your ability (or lack thereof) to hit the ball. No pressure and no judgment is how we roll at She Loves Golf. We encourage you to come to the course and have a hit at any time. You don’t need to be a member of the golf club just pay $5 each session. No clubs? No problem we can supply some.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t come weekly, or can’t start until 2024. We run during the whole of daylight saving Tuesdays and have an end-of-year trip to another golf course.
Feel free to share this with your friends. No need to bring a friend… you’ll find plenty of new ones at SLG, however, do twist your mate’s rubber arms if you think they might be a hoot to have on board.
Refreshments in the clubhouse afterward are encouraged.
No need to register you can just turn up 6pm at the Hororata Golf Club, Glentunnel. The sessions start on Tuesday 10th October.
For details CLICK HERE
Or phone Steph on 0274 182 150