Join the Hororātā Parish for an insight into the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement

Sunday 6th August 2023, 9.30 am, First Church Hororata. Mark Stewart and Ainsley Walter will be talking to us about the reinstatement of the Christ Church Cathedral.

Mark is Chair of Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited and Ainsley is the Campaign Director. This will be a fascinating talk giving insight into this challenging and important project. We will be meeting at the First Church in Hororātā, so that we can accommodate more people.

This is an important gathering for us all as we try to instigate our own reinstatement program.

We welcome you all. Please spread the word to others who might like to join us for this.

Any queries, ph Olive at 021 2256633

Spring Fair Update!

We are looking forward to the Hororata Parish Spring Fair Labour Day 23rd October. We are searching for quality items for the Country Auction and donations for the White Elephant. So when you have your spring clean out this year please think of the Parish! If you have items to donate and you don’t want to hang on to them until the Fair please email and we will let you know where this can be dropped off.

Stall applications are open now, we already have nearly 40 stallholders booked. If you or anyone your know would like a stall please CLICK HERE to register.

Pastoral Care

Peg is settling into our community well. Peg is visiting every Thursday and is available for pastoral care. If you would like to meet Peg when she is in the area or know someone who would benefit from a visit please contact her on
Look forward to catching up soon. 

Kind Regards,
Di Woodward
People’s Warden
027 6989816