Being part of Clan Hororata gives you the opportunity to meet neighbours and friends, have lots of laughs and contribute to your community.

It takes the whole Clan to stage the Hororata Highland Games, not only on the day but also with set up as we transform the Hororata Domain and then pack it all down.

Important Dates:

Set up

– Wednesday 8th November 9.00am – 5.00pm 

– Thursday 9th November 9.00am – 5.00pm 

– Friday 10th November 9.00am – 5.00pm 

– Saturday 11th November 6.00am – 5.00pm Event Day (we are particularly looking for people to help in the Have A Go and Heavy Competition Arenas but there a various roles around the whole event!) 

– Sunday 12th  November 9.00am – 3.00pm Pack up

As a member of Clan Hororata you get free admittance to the Games on Saturday 11th November plus an invite to the BBQ 5.00pm at the Domain after the event. The Clan is well-fed each day and every volunteer will receive a Clan Hororata tee shirt.


This year the volunteers will not help set up the marquees but we still need help to set up gates, get everything from the hanger, signs up, arenas marked, equipment in place etc.

You don’t have to help for a full day, a morning or afternoon would be helpful. Many hands make light work! 

EAL Agriservices Group is again partnering with the HCT by providing the Clan Hororata Marquee where there will be refreshments and a quiet place for volunteers to have a break on the day. 

The Hororata Community Trust has accepted seven applications from community groups to be involved in the Highland Games. The groups who will each receive $1000 for helping set up, on the day and packing down are Hororata Primary School, Windwhistle District Society, Hororata Parish, Lake Coleridge Billiards Club, Hororata Golf Club, and Hororata Target Shooting Club. 

Contact Eilish Wilson 0279474457 or email