A very warm welcome to Hororata Parish
Whether you are visiting, just moved into the neighbourhood or are a 5th generation local, our parish community is open to all.
Our parish offers spiritual comfort and compassion to whoever asks or is in need. Pastoral Care is an integral part of our ministry, within our gatherings for worship services and beyond the church walls.
To find out more or to take part in our community stay, up-to-date on our Facebook page: Community activities, special services, parish updates, and local get-togethers that are a regular occurrence.

Hororata Parish Spring Fair

Held Annual each Labour Day Hororata Domain 9.30 – 2 pm
The Hororata Parish Spring Fair, held every Labour Day at the Hororata Domain, is a traditional country fair and a “must do” for many people with its emphasis on family entertainment. Among the many attractions, there are stalls offering delicious homemade jams and specialty foods, handmade crafts, a wide range of plants and a large selection of second-hand books and the always-popular Country Auction. The Spring Fair is about more than just raising money, it is about raising community spirits and providing a fun family day.
Stallholder applications are open now for 2024 CLICK HERE to apply
Carol’s Closet

Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Hours: 10 am – 2 pm
Location: Hororata Community Hall
All proceeds are put towards community pastoral care.
About Us
Faith. Kindness. Community. Respect. These are the cornerstones behind Hororata Parish. Our first wooden church built in 1875 established on the ideals of giving everyone a chance to gather as a community, learn, grow, and define their own religious identity through sharing. Today our community reflects the diverse use of the land and those who look after it. Some are 5th generation descendants of the earlier settlers and others are recent arrivals involved in local farming activities, or commuting to work in Christchurch or neighbouring towns.
The Hororata Parish covers Hororata, Coalgate, Glentunnel, Glenroy, Windwhistle and Lake Coleridge
The Hororata Parish does not currently have a full time Vicar after Jenni Carter retired after 14 years service to our Parish.
REGULAR CHURCH SERVICES are held 3rd Sunday of the month 9:30 am, St Johns Church First Church, Hororata and are led by Parish members or visiting Ministers.
On the first Sunday of the month through Winter, we will gather at
homes around the Parish and hear people talk about their interests and activities. Visit our Facebook page for details. The aim is to connect with our neighbours, discover what people are doing and make new friendships.
Pastoral Care
Rev Peg Riley works for the Parish in a Pastoral Care role. This is very important in our wide-reaching rural community. Peg is working one day a week in the Hororata parish offering visiting and pastoral care. She is very well qualified to do this with decades of experience and training as a Vicar, Hospital chaplain, School chaplain and currently the Associate Priest in the Upper Riccarton and Yaldhurst parish.

Faith. Kindness. Community. Respect.