The Hororata Parish Spring Fair will be held Labour Day, Monday 28th October 2024 at the Hororata Domain 9.30am - 2pm.
A traditional country fair is a must on everyone's calendars, with 1500 - 2000 people attending each year.
Please note: This is a fundraiser for the Hororata Parish. We have our own stalls which volunteers run. This means we cannot accept any other stalls which are selling bric-a-brac or second hand goods. There are limited food vendor sites available, the committee will select those that complement our own fundraising BBQ. If you are not sure, please contact before applying.
Site set up is from 7.30am - 9.15am. All cars must be clear from site by 9.30am. You will be able to bring your car back onto site at 2pm. There are to be no cars moving on site during the event. Site holders are responsible for the health and safety of their sites ensuring no trip hazards, products are secure and can't fall, gazebos are tied down.
Completing the application below does not guarantee acceptance. If selected you will be invoiced.