You are invited to an informative and fun evening to decide:
Is Human Induced Climate Change Real? The Science of Climate Change.
Professor Jamie Shulmeister and Shae Townend will join us in discussing this important and topical issue.
Jamie is a leading geologist at Canterbury University. He led the Glaciation Field Trip in the Rakaia Gorge several years ago. Shae has just completed a thesis on “The New insights into old glacial advances from the Rakaia Valley” and will discuss her findings during the evening.
The Rakaia Basin has a rich glacial geological history and has been an important locality for understanding the glacial and Climatic History of New Zealand in the recent past. Pioneer geologists such as Julius Von Haast, Robert Speight, and P.T. Cox first identified this unique area. Jane Soons (1963) first established the sequence of glacial advances and retreats, which Soons and Gullentops refined (1973).
More recent detailed mapping combined with new techniques for age dating moraines and lake sediments has allowed Prof Jamie Shulmeister and postgraduate students from the University of Canterbury to fully understand the local glacial history and the correlation with global glaciation and climatic events. Shae’s thesis is the most recent study carried out in this area and has new and surprising findings.
This promises to be a fun evening discussing Climate Change from a geological point of view. The audience will be able to participate in this presentation, ask questions, or maybe briefly make a statement about your own climate theories, or turn your thinking around??!!
Tickets are $25 per person, including super. Purchase your ticket on this page. Numbers are limited. Note this event will be held in the Glenroy Hall.
This event is brought to you by a group of local geological enthusiasts. Any profits will go to the Hororata Community Trust.
Questions? Email Or phone Karen Meares 021 147 1824