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Join the Hororata Historical Society to celebrate the history of the Hororata Domain and the evening launch of the Hororata Walking Trail on the Selwyn Libraries Township Trails APP.  Get a glimpse into the Domain’s colourful past with a short easy stroll to some of the points of interest on the Hororata Walking Trail.
Come together in the historic stables for finger food and a Pimm’s to celebrate and hear tales of our community’s past.
Tickets $10 per person. Finger food included. Cash bar will be running offering Pimm’s, wine, beer and non-alcoholic drinks
Door sales are available. Please bring $10 cash and cash for the bar. We are inside the barn, wrap-up warm.
Enquiries to
This is a fundraiser for the Hororata Historical Society supported by the Hororata Community Trust
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