The Hororata Parish Spring Fair is good ol’ fashion family fun!
The Hororata Parish Fair is going to be one of the biggest free annual markets in Selwyn this Spring! With over 60 market stalls offering a huge variety of crafts, toys, clothes, candles, soaps, art, flowers, birdbaths, and everything in between!!
Not to mention the Parish’s own stalls like the White Elephant, plants, and produce. The Country Auction will be at 11.30am and there are sure to be some great bargains.
Thanks to funding from the Selwyn District Council there will be free activities like archery and pedalmania plus the traditional kids’ races. Pony rides and bouncy castles will be there too!
Creative Kids is a fun competition for children to enter their creations. This year’s theme is ‘Pillars of our Community’! Draw your favourite place in the community or build it out of Lego, let your imagination go wild.
This year, all proceeds from the Fair will go towards the Parish’s Pastoral Care programme. The Parish has recently employed the Reverend Peg Riley who is continuing the good work of our former vicar Jenni Carter. Peg is well qualified to carry out this role with decades of experience serving the community as a Vicar and Hospital and School Chaplain. Peg is solely employed to provide Pastoral Care to our community – she will not be involved in other Church activities or services.
Entry to the Fair is FREE! Make sure the Hororata Parish Spring Fair is on your calendar – Labour Day Monday 23rd October 2023 at the Hororata Domain 9.30am – 2pm. Visit for more information.