Go Hororata is a residents committee representing our community.
Made up of representatives from the Hororata Fire Brigade, Hororata Primary School, Hororata Parish, Hororata Rifle Club, Hororata Community Response Team, Hororata Historical Society, Hororata Tennis Club, Hororata Community Trust and five elected community reps. Go Hororata amalgamated with the Hororata Reserve and Citizens committee.
Email info@hororata.org.nz to contact Go Hororata
Chair Craig Blackburn 0274 897 225
Go Hororata Purpose
Go Hororata Meetings
Go Hororata Agenda
Go Hororata Residents Committee meeting Tuesday 3rd December, 7.30pm at the Hororata Hall. All welcome.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes from previous meeting
a. Matters arising
3. Correspondence
4. Finance
5. Malvern Community Board Update
6. Domain
7. Community /Village
8. Community Hub
9. General Business
Apologies to info@hororata.org.nz
- Go Hororata MeetingMinutes 8th October 2024 – DRAFT PDF, 127.8 KB