Pipe Band Entry
Our community invites Pipe Bands to join us at the Hororata Highland Games 9th November 2024. Be part of New Zealand’s biggest Scottish Festival!!
Please make sure you have read all the competition information on the website. Click here.
If you are entering multiple bands please complete a form for each.
Click here for the competitor terms and conditions.
An invoice will be sent for payment once entry has been recieved.
Massed Bands March
The Massed bands march is one of the highlights of the Games for our visitors. It showcases the awesome combined sound of our Pipe Bands. It is part of our Chieftain Welcoming Ceremony at 11.45 a.m, when the crowd is the biggest.
Bands come in via double gate form up and march up playing Green Hills and Battle O’er.
Halt and Salute the outgoing Chieftain.
Then a solo piper will play Amazing Grace with Bands joining in.
When finished all bands start playing Scotland the Brave and exit with each band to stop playing as they exit the park but keep marching till past the band caravan.
There will be a Drum Major, Pipe Major briefing with Stuart Oliver at 11.15 at the caravan.