Best Dressed Lad and Lassie

Our community invites you to don your tartan and join us at the Hororata Highland Games on November 9th, 2024. Be part of New Zealand’s biggest Scottish Festival!!

Judging commences at 12.45pm on the Duncan Cotterill Stage. All entrants must assemble beside the Duncan Cotterill Stage at 12.30pm and be ready to parade on stage at 12.45pm. Entrants will be issued an entry number at registration, please bring it will you. Entrants will parade on stage with others in the category, with each entrant having a turn to come forward to show their outfits. Your outfit description will be read out for the judges and the audience to hear, please make sure it is detailed.  An adult may accompany children on stage.

Competition Terms and Conditions 

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Tick to acknowledge you agree to the Competition Terms and Conditions *

Hororata Highland Games

Competitor Guide

Hororata Highland Games
